One week left in the Firetail League and the playoff race is down to four teams. What do they need to secure their spot? and who will get the coveted free pass straight into the grand final? See our breakdown and predictions below!

Brisbane Boom (1st, 3-1, 8 Sets, 26 Games)

Potential finishing position: 1st – 4th

The story:

  • As it stands Brisbane need to win a total of 3 games and at least 1 set if they want to guarantee a place in the top 3. 
  • A 3-0 win against Sydney will give the Boom top spot. If they go 2-1 however they could relinquish the free pass to the grand final to Melbourne who would need to 3-0 Perth to steal 1st place.
  • A 1-2 loss to Sydney would likely see them fall to 2nd or 3rd with Adelaide needing to make up a set differential of 2 and a hefty game differential of 7 to go ahead of the Boom.
  • They benefit by having the last match of the round so they will know exactly what they need to do before they start.

Prediction: 1st. Even in an economic downturn business is still booming for Brisbane, I am expecting them to defeat Sydney and lock up top spot, with the main threat being Melbourne winning more sets.

Sydney Endeavour (2nd, 3-1, 8 Sets, 21 Games)

Potential finishing position: 1st – 4th

The story:

  • A win against Brisbane on Sunday would mean the Endeavour finish in the top 2.
  • Top spot would then require either Melbourne losing or Sydney leading the Maelstrom in set/game differential.
  • A loss opens up Sydney to potentially falling out of the top 3 if Adelaide can win and close up the set and game differential.
  • A loss to Brisbane combined with Melbourne losing could still see Sydney hold on and Melbourne miss out.
  • Like Brisbane, they benefit by having the last match of the round so they will know exactly what they need to do before they start.

Prediction: 4th. Sydney is my pick as the team that will miss out on the playoffs. Brisbane are looking the stronger team of the two at this stage of the season and could seriously damage the Endeavours playoff aspirations with a big win. Adelaide meanwhile may have the easier match up against the winless New Zealand Rush.

Melbourne Maelstrom (3rd, 3-1, 8 Sets, 19 Games)

Potential finishing position: 1st – 4th

The story:

  • Beating Perth on Sunday will guarantee Melbourne a top 2 finish.
  • A 3-0 win and the Sydney/Brisbane game going 2-1 would mean Melbourne moves to the top of the ladder.
  • If Melbourne win with the same sets won as the winner of Sydney/Brisbane then it will come down to games differential.
  • A loss combined with an Adelaide win could see Melbourne slide out of the top 3. Again it will come down to set and game differential.

Prediction: 2nd. Should take care of Perth and lock up their top 2 finish however I think the Fury will put up enough of a fight to see Brisbane still take top spot on game differential.

Adelaide Revenge (4th, 2-2, 6 Sets, 19 Games)

Potential finishing position: 2nd – 5th

The story:

  • First things first, Adelaide must win on Saturday night. New Zealand are no pushovers, remember they took 5 games off Melbourne earlier this season. 
  • It would be even better if they can go 3-0 and put some serious pressure on the top 3 teams. A 3-0 victory would allow the Revenge to go through to the playoffs if any of the top 3 lose 0-3 or challenge them if they go 1-2 on game difference. Remember at least one of Brisbane and Sydney has to lose.
  • A 2-1 win would leave the Revenge hoping that one of their playoff rivals loses 0-3 to give them a chance to go through on game differential.
  • Game differential at end of round 4:
    •  0: Melbourne
    • -2: Sydney
    • -7: Brisbane

Prediction: 3rd. It’s not easy but I think they can do it. They’ll be cheering hard for Brisbane to 0-3 Sydney, but their fate is just as much in their hands. If the Revenge can topple the Rush in emphatic fashion then they may just prove all the doubters wrong and book their ticket to the playoffs.